The Adventures of Wendy- a story about thankfulness

When I met Wendy Toy I immediately noticed her attitude.

She is so graceful, focused, and is also a happy-positive spirit. I really admire her for it, and when I reached out to ask for her secret, I was surprised.

She said though she gives the credit to her parents, she isn’t sure there is just one contributor to her mindset.

“I think I’ve just always accepted that hard things can happen in life and I don’t often look for the lesson. I just look to do my best through it all!”

The 61-year-old uses words to get through the hard times, and taps into many different mantras.

She always tries to emulate her parent’s ways and when things get bad or stressful she thinks about her mother’s favorite saying.

“Nothing’s too bad that it couldn’t be worse, my mom always said that and I think her mom said it to her!”

It’s simple.

Wendy is thankful.

Even in the hardest of times.

She and her partner Ron joined 3rd Degree Training in 2011.

They loved doing the early morning boot camp classes together. They lived very active lives on top of that. Both active in the biking and running community on PEI, Ron even earned the title/nickname The Gatekeeper, said Wendy.

“He used to call mountain biking rides in Bonshaw, so he was affectionately called The Gatekeeper.”

In 2014 Ron got very sick with cancer.

Their priorities shifted, they left the gym and Wendy said her main focus was Ron.

“I tried to continue even after Ron had to stop, but at one point I had to stop too.”

Ron died in 2016 and Wendy made a promise to him, she wouldn’t look back.

She said she never forgets how lucky she is to have this time.

“I’ve already lived three years longer than he got to. He was 58, I’m 61. Ugh I’m 61.”

She tried to come back to the gym but it was very hard at first.

She said she took a step back and started running again instead.

“It was a bit of a trigger for me. The morning routine, a random song in the studio, all of it.”

In 2019, she noticed the Adaptive Athletics class advertised — and gave it another go!

She said after trying so many different gyms and classes, 3rd Degree Training was the best fit and she was drawn to the atmosphere.

“I was already familiar with the welcoming, supportive, playful atmosphere at 3rd Degree Training.”

I think it is absolutely incredible, Wendy doesn’t let her thoughts control her. But it’s also incredible she respected her limits the first time around.

She’s back at the gym and the trigger of it all has turned into beautiful memories.

She said it’s because she feels so fortunate to be able to be as active as she wants!

“It is never lost on me how fortunate I am.”

I expected Wendy to answer my question by saying her attitude comes from a schedule full of strict dieting and workout routines.

Though it does play a big part in it all, Wendy’s secret sauce is good old fashioned grateful-ness. That includes being grateful for your abilities, she said.

“Am I happy because I’m active? Or am I active because I’m happy? I think it’s a bit of both.”

Enjoy this album of Wendy on just a few of her Adventures