Dianne Pye started running in 2003 and completed her first half-marathon in 2004.
She liked it and thought she’d try a full one, she said she ended up doing 113.
“I’ve done 113 marathons and 2 ultras!”
Dianne had a bacterial infection in her lungs, so for the past two months, she was unable to run.
She started attending 3rd Degree Training Stratford, and said it’s helped her get back at it.
“I went for my first run, in a while the other day, and my friend had to tell me to slow down. We ran 14k, and I was able to do that because I’ve been coming to adaptive athletics here.”
She doesn’t let anything in her way.
In fact, she said she didn’t start running until 2005 when she was 44-years-old!
“I had two grandbabies when I started running!”
Her first marathon was in 2005 and her time was 4:10. That’s 10 minutes away from the Boston marathon qualification.
In 2012, at a marathon in Fredricton, she made a personal best time of 3:45, and the next year did Boston!
Not only did she do Boston then, but she ran it six times and qualified for it a dozen times. She was even there for the bombing in 2013!
She’s also done Florida a number of times, Alberta, Disney, Maine, and numerous trips to the US, she said.
“I love it!”
Dianne has collected so many marathon shirts over the years.
She said she was actually able to make two queen sized blankets out of them, for her grandchildren.
“I started turning the shirts down, I have too much stuff now!”
In 2011 she did 15 marathons and 5 of them were done in one month!
She said her main support through it all is Grant, her husband.
“I really crave chocolate milk when I’m running and Grant will meet me at 30k with a big tall glass. He is my biggest supporter.”
She loves running because it’s her me time.
It’s a time for her to clear her head, relieve some stress, and enjoy some music.
“I set a goal for the week and I go out and do it!”