Hi, I’m new here

My name is Emily MacIsaac and I am a new instructor/member at 3rd degree training. I started classes about 2 months ago and shortly after, I was hired! Me and popular member, Lillian. A bit about my fitness journey— Fitness has always helped me organize my incredibly energetic personality. For years, exercise has been my best friend. My motto is one big sweat a day keeps the heebie jeebies away. I grew up swimming competitively and was always involved in…

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Inspiration. More contagious than Covid-19?

Over the last three months, Nora Cummins has transformed herself into a purebred bad ass. Nora after absolutely conquering an adaptive athletics class Her hips were in a lot of pain due to her arthritis and after a rough day, she decided enough is enough. She said she couldn’t handle the pain even from walking and was tired of relying on advil. “I just got fed up. I was fed up of being immobile.” She saw 3rd Degree’s ad on…

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