How I Prep Food For The Week

If preparing containers of meals for the week works for you, very best. But in my house it most definitely doesn’t. When you have a family it can be hard to plan—especially with picky children and partners. Here is how I do my prep-cooking! not my fridge, but this is what it usually looks like! Disclaimer I’m not meal prepping, I’m ingredient prepping. Know yourself! Most of us become a different person when we’re hungry. Though it isn’t a good…

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There’s a New Influencer in town!

Victoria Murphy has tried every diet you can imagine. For as long as she can remember, people have been telling her to lose weight. “I’ve literally tried every diet out there, but I’ve always given up and gained the weight back.” When she met with a doctor about a breast reduction five years ago, she felt completely defeated. She said she was shocked when the doctor told her she needed to lose 100 pounds before the surgery was possible. “I…

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Body Dysmorphia Disorder Awareness Post!

Before I started classes at 3rd Degree Training, it wasn’t uncommon for me to skip breakfast and lunch. I was diagnosed with body dysmorphia disorder one year ago, and struggled with disordered eating my whole life. It wasn't until being diagnosed I started really working on it. The hardest part of talking about it for me, is I fear people will think I am shallow or superficial. But it’s a real psychological disorder where you obsess over a flaw in…

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