113 Marathons- that’s the title

2017 Dianne Pye started running in 2003 and completed her first half-marathon in 2004. She liked it and thought she’d try a full one, she said she ended up doing 113. “I’ve done 113 marathons and 2 ultras!” Dianne had a bacterial infection in her lungs, so for the past two months, she was unable to run. She started attending 3rd Degree Training Stratford, and said it’s helped her get back at it. “I went for my first run, in…

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Hi, I’m new here

My name is Emily MacIsaac and I am a new instructor/member at 3rd degree training. I started classes about 2 months ago and shortly after, I was hired! Me and popular member, Lillian. A bit about my fitness journey— Fitness has always helped me organize my incredibly energetic personality. For years, exercise has been my best friend. My motto is one big sweat a day keeps the heebie jeebies away. I grew up swimming competitively and was always involved in…

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