Fighting the Burn with Berni

Weight circuit Bernie Every time I see Bernadette Forrester in class I’m amazed. This woman is incredible. Not only does her ability and fitness level impress me, but her attitude too! She recently celebrated her one-year anniversary at 3rd Degree Training and a lot has happened! In the beginning she was using 10 and 12 pounds for free weights, and she said now she uses the 15 and 20s! “I really enjoy seeing the progress as well as looking and…

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Body Dysmorphia Disorder Awareness Post!

Before I started classes at 3rd Degree Training, it wasn’t uncommon for me to skip breakfast and lunch. I was diagnosed with body dysmorphia disorder one year ago, and struggled with disordered eating my whole life. It wasn't until being diagnosed I started really working on it. The hardest part of talking about it for me, is I fear people will think I am shallow or superficial. But it’s a real psychological disorder where you obsess over a flaw in…

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